Her treatment plan consisted of neurofeedback, counseling, and autogenic training. After starting treatment, she reported improvement with having more energy, being able to express herself better. She reported better concentration, feeling calmer and more relaxed, feeling happier, more awake and alert.

Autogenic training, a form of abdominal breathing, helped her to manage stressors, maintain control and self-regulate on a regular basis.

Overtime as treatment progressed, she began to engage more with her friends, and began traveling. Her confidence built until she was able to help plan and manage events and activities with her church group.

She continually remarks how happy she has become, and how she is enjoying her life happily reengaging with the people around her. As her self-confidence and successes increased, her sessions were spaced out. Empowerment is clearly evidence by the pleasant lifestyle she has adopted and is enjoying. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that rewards the positive brainwaves that relate to positive emotional, behavioral and cognitive states. These result in a positive and fulfilling lifestyle.

Blog Post: Neurofeedback Rescues from Severe Concussion

Lana, not her real name, a young adult from Buckingham, suffered severe panic attacks since 9 th grade that increasingly disrupted her lifestyle. Her social and personal life were severely limited, and she struggled with maintaining any equilibrium. Multiple hospitalizations and medical interventions were unable to stabilize her constant emotional state of recurring anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

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